Callan Rose Early Learning Center © 2010 All Rights Reserved
The top ranked schools in Colorado are using Core Knowledge as their foundation for student success. Callan Rose applies the Core Knowledge curriculum to the pre-school level. Because Callan Rose is an art based school, we also implement the Core Knowledge Art and Music programs. “The Core Knowledge Sequence is a detailed outline of specific content to be taught in preschool through 8th grade in the areas of language arts, history (American and world), geography, music, visual arts, mathematics, and science. Core Knowledge responds to the idea that elementary and middle schools need a solid, specific, shared core curriculum in order to help children establish strong foundations of knowledge, grade by grade. To get more information about Core Knowledge, please see the Core Knowledge Foundation website at”
Core Knowledge Preschool at a Glance
Movement and Coordination
Physical attention and relaxation
Gross motor skills
Eye-hand and eye-foot coordination
Group games
Creative movement and expression
Autonomy and Social Skills
Sense of self and personal responsibility
Working in a group setting
Oral language
Nursery rhymes, poems, finger plays, and songs
Children’s literature: read alouds and storytelling
Emerging literacy skills
Patterns and classification
Numbers and number sense
Addition and subtraction with concrete objects
Orientation in Space
Actual and represented space
Simple maps
Basic Geographical concepts
Human/animal/plant characteristics, needs, and development
Physical elements (water, air, light)
Attention to differences in sound
Imitate and produce sounds
Listen and sing
Listen and move
Work Habits
Memory Skills
Following directions
Task persistence and completion
Visual Arts
Attention to visual detail
Looking at and talking about art
Creating art (printing, painting, drawing, collage, sculpture)
Orientation in Time
Measures of time
Passage of time (past, present, and future
School Information
9034 E. Mineral Ave
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: (303) 706-1570
School Hours:
Monday - Friday
6:30AM to 6:30PM
February 14th
Parent's Night Out
February 17th
Closed for Teacher
In-service Day
February 24th
Storyteller Beth Epley